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3 Current Struggles

3 Struggles in 2018 for me… might surprise you.
If you read my birthday manifesto, this year is about living and doing it loudly. I am and have always been bold and driven. If you guys haven’t read chapter one of my book. Do it here. Although my book is about balance, I am not ashamed to admit that there are times that I struggle balancing aspects of my life. I am going to just be brutally honest here and share with you my currently my three biggest struggles.
  1.  Rest. I have learned and know myself by now and I have a hard time taking a break, but I always feel recharged when I force myself to. The only way it will happen is if I get it scheduled. When you own a company (or companies ) you carry responsibility. Not just your own financial well being but others and it is sometimes hard to walk away from work and rest!
  2. Business. With STARTdetoxing launching soon I have encountered roadblocks that I have never navigated. Many people stop at those roadblocks, but I have learned that I can continue past them if I just focus on resolving them one at a time! Legal, FDA Claims, Health Disclaimers, learning to speak “medicine”.  Although this is a struggle and it might take us a little longer than anticipated, I love learning new things and I have enjoyed the process. P.S. We are opening STARTdetoxing for preorders soon, more details to come but if you want to be notified first, get on the list here.
  3. My Marriage. This is hard to write and maybe something I shouldn’t even be sharing, but I think it is a REAL topic that many of us face. We have learned through struggles in our relationship that we need to be individually happy and take care of ourselves before we can show up for each other  Through seeking outside help, we are leaning to find a middle ground and connect again. I hope you read this and know that if you are facing any struggle with marriage or anything else you are not alone and there is no shame in asking for help.
Let’s keep showing up friends, when things are unbalanced it is nothing to be embarrassed about or beat yourself up over-It’s life, it happens!- The best thing you can do for yourself it to recognize it and take steps to fix it!
I have loved connecting with so many of you on the daily on Instagram stories. keep joining me!

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