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Entrepreneurship: Coaching Session

Slowly easing my way back into working after little man deciding to make a really late appearance into this world… most jobs in corporate America you get 3 months maternity leave. Well when you own your own business that typically is not the case. Well of course you could take three months, but who will keep the engine running or answer emails, pay bills, etc? When you start a business there are a ton of benefits from being your own boss, but like anything else you get out of it what you put in. It is a trade off… those moms at three months have to leave there babies and go back to a 9-5 job typically doing something they may or may not enjoy. Although I start working sooner(or really never completely stop) I get to work from home 90% of the time, and I set my schedule. But those 9-5 corporate moms at the end of the day leave work at 5 and go home and check their work at the door leaving all worries to someone else. Why am I saying all this…. well because different personalities are better suited for different working scenarios. And the important thing is your know your personality and your choose a route that is better for you and your family.

Next week I fly to St.Louis to teach photographers at Shutterfest and yes leaving is going to be SOOOO hard. But it is a really short trip and I also know, third child around, that I am a better Mom and a better Wife when I do work. I come home from Shutterfest, then then I have an engagement session that next weekend, a wedding the following weekend… in other words the wheels go back into motion.

When you are a Mom and a business owner that works from home you have to be efficient… there are no other options! And when you have one child… honestly it is not too bad! When you start managing two, three, plus schedules that is when it is a whole other ballgame. The one thing I am really passionate about is helping others succeed in doing this, but there one thing I will not do is fill people with fluff. I have seen people teach photography and say to just follow your dream… if you believe and want it bad enough you can do it. 80% of the people that I meet doesn’t have the capability of running a business. Just because you are good at something or enjoy something can you turn that something into a job or a long term career? Or the better question is should you? I meet photographer enthusiasts all the time, and what they want to learn the most is the technicality of photography and the first thing they put money into is gear. Go to any photography conference, typically the hands on classes or technical classes sell-out/fill-up first. But the business courses don’t? Why is that? Well because to most business is boring, and yes it is way more interesting to learn cool photography technique! If you goal is to run a photography business though…. I will tell you know that it is 85% business. If someone came to me now and said I want to me a photographer when I grow up…. I would tell them to go to business school. Yes, seriously.

Why am I ramblings about all this? 🙂 The one thing you won’t get from me is fluff. And giving you fluff and lying to you and just saying you can do it is not the whole truth. I have seen marriages fall apart, families broken up, and debt pilled up from chasing a dream. Running a business is NOT easy and yes YOU CAN DO IT, but what is your opportunity cost? I have even seen doctors(which obviously are smart) open their own practice and struggle at running it. They are good at being doctors but are they also good at being a business owner. Or do they even want to be a business owner? I want decisions to be made knowing HOW to make it happen without making everlasting consequences for yourself and possibly your family. Saying all this and not trying to discourage anyone, but rather to be real and to not fill you with hopes of rainbows and unicorns. I do believe you can do anything you put your mind too, but it is WORK and not always easy…. and yes there are some rainbows 🙂

This post all leads into sharing this beautiful photographer, Abby. I had a coaching session this week with Abby and we sat down this week looking at her business and her short term and long term goals. One of the things I love the most is helping others and watching them succeed and I know she has a very bright future with the knowledge, tools, and resources that they need to do so!

How cute is she!

The wind was blowing and she was like ohh no my hair! I was thinking to myself…. ahhh you hair…. I love it! 🙂

If this helps one person I will be happy. Can’t wait to see everyone next week in St.Louis and I also can’t wait to be back home with my babies! Yes the never ending pull of work life balance and finding a mix that works for you and your family!


  1. Sarah Howell says:

    Thank you so much for all the time away from your family (and newest little) to share your gift this week. I wish I had two full days of lessons and classes from you!

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