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New Website and Business Press!

My blog has been a little silent…. Why? Well take a look around! One of my goals for 2016 was to update my website and blog to be more seamless and easy to navigate. Yes organization of my own business and brand!  If you missed the announcement, I wanted it to better reflect my new direction, which is speaking, teaching, and Start Planner for 2016!

This year I will be sharing more business tips and advice on my blog! So you better get ready! For the website HUGE shoutout to the team at Showit as this site is Showit5 and Jenny for rocking on my updated site design! This is going to be a game changer for so many businesses, so I would highly recommend you subscribing to their updates! For a long time I had a website and then a blog. We live in a world of getting information quick and through scrolling typically on a device. Showit5 is a platform that is building sites that are desktop/mobile friendly and you can integrate a wordpress blog!

Because a post is always better with an image I thought I would share THIS! This showed up on my door step Friday and to say I was blown away would be an understatement! What an honor and an amazing way to Start 2016!!!  (And did you guys see what the titled the article on the cover?) Yes, my husband laugh pretty good at that one! ????????


In college I became interested in following successful women women that name would often show up on the Wall Street Journal or Forbes. I said to myself one day… one day I want to be here. NOW this is not a national publication by any means, but for me this is huge! Dreams can come true but you have to work for them! And yes my mom has already gotten about 10 copies… for real! 🙂

north Atlanta business post

Want to read the full article? Check it out North Atlanta’s Business Post Blog HERE.

2016 LET’S DO THIS!!!! You CAN do anything! Get busy!

  1. Abby Breaux says:

    Congratulations Kristy!
    I can’t wait to see the magic
    you will create in 2016!

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