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B2B – Atlanta Smugmug

It has been a long time since I have had a B2B installment on the blog. Partly because I have been so slammed and partly because I know now that there are a million other people that are more qualified at answering these questions. But lately, I have been getting a ton of emails asking me for advice and it is easier for me to answer them on here rather than individually. If it can help one other person then that is great. Typically the emails start off as, I know you probably don’t want to share, or you don’t have to answer this but….. Let me just say I don’t have secrets and I don’t mind sharing, I am where I am today because of the support and help I have had along the way.

These answers are what have worked for me and a lot of my responses typically are based on my own experiences and just the basics of business practices. There has been a big debate lately in the photography industry about whether it is more important to be a great photographer or a solid business person. And I really don’t know why there is a big debate…you have to be both to run a successful photography business. If you don’t feel that running a business is your strong point, I wouldn’t advise doing so. Partner with someone that is or make sure to have the right support team in place to help with the day to day operations and long term goals. Karen asked, “I heard you talk about outsourcing what do you outsource?”
I outsource anything that is not related to my core business. I outsource my post processing for color management, my album designs, and accounting and legal services. Bottom line is this….I feel like my time is much better spent marketing, networking, or spending time with my son. Before I did all this I would stay up until 2 in the morning editing or entering invoices until my husband finally said come to bed. My background is finance, I know how to keep a general ledger and of course I can edit but WHY should I? There are services for album design, color corrections, and accountants that I know has a lot more experience and expertise that I do in that field. These experts actually do it better and now I have my time and more importantly my life back. Jade asked, “what camera do you shoot with and what lens do you primarily use at weddings?’
I have two Canon 5d Mark II’s. My absolute favorite lens is my canon 50 f1.2. I typically keep in my shootsac a backup battery, backup CF cards, business cards, granola bar, Canon 85mm f1.2, Canon 24mm F1.4, and my 580 EXII flash. I also always have a suitcase close by with backup lenses. I keep backups of everything in my suitcase. I have a video light, another canon 5d Mark II, 70-200mm f2.8 (which is good for ceremony time), 16-35mm f2.8, a macro 100mm f2.8, and a fisheye 14mm f2.8. I want to start off by saying this takes time and all this equipment didn’t just appear overnight like I wish it did. Set an equipment budget and then slowly add on pieces that you want. Be sure that you practice and get comfortable with your own equipment.

Next Thursday I will be speaking at the Atlanta Smugmug. I would love to see you there and meet you! Jeff Jochum will also be speaking on goal based strategies for businesses so it should be enough information to make your head hurt 😉

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