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Friday Fun Facts

THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Whoop Whoop! Sweet summertime! I feel like Nemo on his first day of school! This week has been nuts! I have been just trying to keep my head above water, so I apologize if there has been delayed responses! I haven’t shared any randomness lately so here you go!

– This morning I installed a solid state drive and updated ram into my desktop computer. Then reinstalled my operating system and software on the new drive and migrated all my files. And did backups of all drives(first of course). Considering I really don’t even know what ram is people this is huge! Pretty sure I could go to a technology conference now and blend in! 😉 Haha kidding!
– I am actuality terrified of the ocean! I think my control “freaknesses” doesn’t like not knowing what little creatures could be swimming around me! I grew up with a family that went fishing in the ocean(both deep sea and on the shore) while on vacation…. so people I know there is stuff in there… and not all of it is little! Last week though I probably spent half the day in the ocean with Roman and I survived. Baby steps.. baby steps!! 🙂
– To-Do lists make me happy. Yes weird but they do. If you don’t do a daily or at least weekly to do list try it! It keeps you focused and on track and feeling accomplished. And yes I totally add things to my to-do list that were not on there before but I did to make myself know I am doing stuff. If you want three tips for staying on track more and balancing family and work check it out HERE!
– Europe. Sigh… buckle list to get over there and we have been trying to put a trip together but I just have to first convince my hubby that the long flight is not that bad…. or I just book it and drug him on the plane so he doesn’t know…. Hummm …. now maybe I am thinking 😉
– Goal for this year…. beach house! Anyone knows of a good one give me a holla!
Teaching . I don’t know what it is about it but I just love it! Helping others has been something that I didn’t do for a long time because one I didn’t feel qualified(and still don’t in some ways) and two my schedule just hasn’t allowed for it. It something that just makes my heart happy and if I can change and impact some lives in a positive way I am all for it!! Personal goal this year is to make this a priority and to start helping others more! So if you got questions give me a shout! I met Colleen this week for a private mentoring session and I am just stoked for what this young lady is going to do! She is going to rock it out!

… and she is gorgeous too! Happy Friday Friends!

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