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georgia aquarium

The Georgia Aquarium has been open since 2005 and I have yet to go until this past weekend! We have been talking about taking Roman for a while now, but something would always come up that would delay our plans. Roman was so excited talking about getting to see all the fish, penguins, and sharks.

Roman’s prior experience with fish comes down to the movie Happy Feet, the fish tank at the Japanese restaurant we eat at, and a puzzle that has all different types of animals from the ocean. So I think his view was a little tainted so he didn’t quite know what to expect. Here is my little stud with his gelled hair right before we went in. 😉

When we first walked in he was jumping up and down excited, we then turned the corner and he saw how big some of the fish were so he wasn’t so sure.

He kept saying look at the fish, look there is another one, look Mommy, look!

The first part of the trip this is where is stayed. In Jeremy’s arms or in mine. Since he is almost 3 and 38lbs we kept taking turns!

There was so much marine life that just amazed me!

This one in particular didn’t amaze me. This one made me want to run!

One section of the aquarium was a tunnel where you got to go through and see everything around you!

There was even a little conveyor belt and Jeremy and Roman decided to take a ride and check everything out.

Here is the one image that I got of me… pretty flattering right? That is the way it goes…. my imprint of being their is typically just the pictures that I take. There was a penguin tunnel that you could crawl through. Somehow I got this bright idea that I would crawl through the tunnel with him…. lets just say if you are over 5 foot don’t do it! He LOVED the penguins! He likes the movie Happy Feet so he told one of them to sing for him. Haha! He even asked Jeremy if he could take one of them home!

At the end of the tunnel this is what you got to do. So I stand corrected there are two pictures of me! 🙂 haha

pretty fishy 🙂

You could touch some of the animals and I touched this bad boy!

And these little slimy things also! We had a blast! Probably next time we go I will go during the week though. About lunch time it got crazy packed and hard for us to get up to the glass to see everything! Roman won’t stop talking about it!

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