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Miami: Doritos & Coke

Have you ever heard the statement you can’t live on doritos and coke? Well I think it is true. It can satisfy you for a little bit, but you are really not getting the nutrition that your body needs. Proper meals have to be worked into a daily routine in order for you to live a healthy lifestyle.

This is also true for relationships. I own two companies and Jeremy owns a company that makes all my issues and problems look like nothing.We both work hard, give everything 100% and we have Roman which is our biggest responsibility and role. Needless to say we are busy people, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I guess you could say we are constantly working on a balance.

This past weekend we had no laptops, no agenda, and nothing to do but new places to experience together. It was invigorating and nice for once not to be so structured and to not live on doritos or coke for a bit. Jeremy can go anywhere on the drop of a dime, but I have to know where we are going, where we are staying, how will we get there, etc. We are so different it is not even funny but I think that is what makes us work. While we were in Miami we just relaxed, talked, and caught up on life. Although we both have so much going on, we have realized it is important to just have “us” time and we are going to start to making a habit of it.

Here are some point and shoot snap shots of the trip.

We stayed in Downtown Miami…. and it was perfect! We were right inside the bay and it had it’s own private beach but we could drive about 10 minutes to all the craziness of South Beach Miami.

This was my view during the days…

Two of my favorites…. Mexican food and my hubby!

Welcome to South Beach Miami! Friday night we grabbed dinner at Prime One Twelve, and then did some afternoon shopping!

We even made a few stops that he didn’t want to make like going into the Dash Miami Store…. It was craziness with all the cameras. And nope… No Kardashians were present.

At the end of the night we stopped by Leccalecca which is the gelato store the Jersey shore cast mates worked at….. I never say no to desert 🙂

Finally got the nerve up to ask the doorman to grab a snapshot of us two together.

I love this picture…. it reminds me of all the energy that was down in Miami.

Here is to many more skylines in the future! Love you babe!

  1. Arielle says:

    What wonderful pictures and memories to go along with it! So glad you had such a good time and "us" time is always needed. Glad you and Jeremy got to have some away time.

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