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Yes it is 5am on Friday morning…. and I don’t function this early but here it goes. This week I have been a bit overwhelmed…. the next 3 weeks of my life is complete craziness. From a fabulous wedding in St. Simmons, then going to LA for a conference, and then on to New Orleans for Partnercon. I am trying to take a deep breath and realize that everything will be okay. Probably the hardest thing about all of this is being away from Roman for a bit. Roman needs his Mama and even more so this Mama needs his Roman. Every trip is not more than two nights… it is still just hard. I know the Mom’s out there get this…This weekend I am doing nothing but hanging out with the family, watching the Florida vs Georgia game, trick-or-treating, and eating too much candy! I think we all have moments of feeling overwhelmed and pulled in a lot of different directions. I have gotten a ton of emails about Christmas or family portraits, and I feel bad for saying no but at this point I can’t. I really want to focus on weddings and engagements. A business decision for focusing and also a priority decision to keep me at home with my family as much as possible. Everyone always ask how I do everything I am doing and well you delegate, learn to say no, and occasionally want to pull your hair out. 😉 Big picture though I have my health, my family, and I am doing what I love with the most fabulous people. Nothing else really matter….

Happy Halloween Weekend Everyone!

  1. Heidi Morgan says:

    Hello my dear,
    Well said! I too have been traveling quite a bit and was saying to my photog friends that there is a generalized ache for my husband and kids. Speaking of — my husband says that it is a GREAT thing that we women are wired this way. We are nurturing, consistent, and loving. These same qualities are those we bring to photography, and this is why we channel our energy to produce some awesome work! So, sista — onward ho. You will be missed while gone and embraced by your men upon return!

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