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Root Beer

I swear that was the shortest weekend…. I mean really where did it go??? Friday night we were at a football game, Saturday we went to a Georgia vs Florida football game party(no comment there), and yesterday we put ourselves into a coma eating to much sugar for Halloween. Those are the weekends I love though…. eating too much, laughing, and being with family and friends. The gym is definitely calling my name this morning though!

Roman is two and a half so this is really the first year I think he knows what is going on and all he kept saying was trick or treat mommy. The funny thing is though by house number five he said done Mommy. I said you don’t want anymore candy and he said nope. Here is my little Root Beer!

That is the look I get when I tell him to do something that he doesn’t want to do…. blank stare.

Yay…. it’s fall! Roman woke up about 4 times last night during the night… pretty sure on a sugar overload. Now we just have to figure out a way to get all of this candy out of our house because I don’t need it or the temptation and I also really like sleeping a full 8 hours a night 😉 Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

  1. estherjulee says:

    how adorable! where did you find that costume? 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness…so cute!

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