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Shadburn Family

I had this pleasure of getting to know the Shadburn family through Lindsey and Jeremy’s wedding back in 2012. One of the nicest families I have met and to this day the father daughter dance was one of the sweetest ones I have witnessed.

Michael, Lindsey’s Dad, started losing weight and couldn’t figure out why. Michael’s Dad had heart issues so they immediately thought it was something to do with his heart. After seeing a couple specialist the word CANCER was uttered. I think when a love one gets diagnosed with cancer it is almost paralyzing. Nothing really sinks in or resonates but the one thing that does happen is you start living. Your start thinking about life, about meaning, about family, and about what is really important.

So honored to be able to capture the Shadburn family before chemo and radiation starts this week. To remind them of this moment and of what happiness is and what an amazing husband, father, and friend Michael is to everyone.

I think Lindsey sums up Michael the best…
Stubborn on the outside, soft on the inside, my Daddy has always been hardworking and dedicated to his family. At a young age, I absorbed my Daddy’s passion for the outdoors and huntin’, something we will always enjoy doing together. The older I get, the more I value the relationship, time spent and things my Dad does for our whole family, no matter how big or small. His determination, stubbornness and integrity are all represented in his heroic personality that ‘everything will be alright’. Always remember, you can pick your battles wisely but sometimes they pick you. So, Daddy, you are stronger than you can ever imagine and you are loved more than you will ever know!

Lindsey, Michael, and Cody(son).

I just love this one.

One of my favorites!

I LOVE his hat and it is what he is known for wearing. I think I told him I was going to take it from him! 🙂 Michael keep that inner smile and spirit shinning bright! I will be praying for you and your entire family!

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