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The Social Network

Freshmen year of college I remember the term “Facebook me”. Back in 2005 I got a facebook account by using my .edu email address. I have seen it evolve over the years from a college party network, to allowing high school students, and then it becoming mainstream for everyone as well as a lot of businesses. I love the idea of Facebook for networking and keeping in touch, but I also think there is still an important factor about in-person networking that I am afraid generation Y or the millennials might leave behind.

Saturday night Jeremy and I saw The Social Network…. and to say that I was inspired was an understatement. Warning: if you are an entrepreneur I suggest seeing the movie early in the day. Maybe I am just weird or something but I stayed up until 3 am writing notes and brainstorming on action steps for both my photography and Fisheye Connect.

While watching the movie I came up with a few points that I wanted to remind myself to implement.
– First and probably for most……if you have a gut instinct on something act upon it. – If you don’t have the means or resources to do so, network and find someone or some people to partner with. We all have our strengths and by combining those strengths together as individuals you can become a powerful force.
– Document everything when doing transactions. Make sure to have all the correct licensing and contracts when entering into binding obligations.
– Business is business remember to read all necessary documents or have legal representation to do so.
– Be careful what you put on social media or blogs…. You never know who could be watching and how it could be interpreted.
– And last but not least…. if you are having a Caribbean party…. Don’t put a picture of Niagara Falls up because it just don’t make any sense. 🙂

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