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Uncensored Event

I couldn’t go to sleep last night…. it was one of those nights where you lay in bed all excited with your mind-racing from one idea to the next. Last week I attended the BizReset here in Atlanta with Simon T. Bailey and Marley Majcher. One conversation led to another about proformas, finance, and wedding industry professionals. The next thing you know I am going to be speaking next Monday at Marley Majcher Uncensored Event in Los Angelos…. and let me just say I am stoked!

To give you a little background on Marley she has planned events for A-list celebrities like Britney Spears, Pierce Brosnan, Nick Lachey, Vanessa Minnillo, Katherine Heigl, Kelly Rutherford, Snoop Dogg and more. I will be speaking Monday morning following her opening presentation. Say a little prayer for me! Marley told me last night that she will also be taping my presentation…. okay so I am following Marley’s presentation, getting video taped, alongside 10 other fabulous presenters, and cameras will be there…. I think I need a nerve pill just thinking about it. 🙂 I feel challenged and this girl loves a challenge!

  1. Evie Perez says:

    How awesome!!! I am so excited for you. It will go very smooth and you will be great. Can’t wait to read about it.

  2. Kristy Dickerson says:

    Thanks Evie! I can’t wait!

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