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5 Things I Didn’t Expect/ Start Planner

I wanted to share a couple things that I honestly did not expect would happen when I got more organized and started using my Start Planner. Technically speaking, I have only used it for a week! I mean on a high level I knew some of it would happen, but I feel like the statement “Live with organized”, I gathered it whole meaning. It has an even bigger meaning that I fully grasped to begin with and here is a couple reasons why.

1. Save $. I expected it might save me a little money, but I am not going to even give you numbers on how much it saved me in groceries last week. Before Start Planner, I would go to the grocery store, baby strapped to my body, toddler in the stroller, and run through the aisle grabbing whatever “looked good.” Also, I typically went once to Publix, and then I would have to send my husband on a scavenger hunt a couple times a week for the things I forgot. Now with a plan in place, I make a grocery list, I plan my route of attack(where I am purchasing), and I plan it around what we are actually eating. We attempt to eat pretty clean and try to buy everything organic. Without a plan in place for this… you will spend SOOO much. The numbers were scary, and it feels so good to be in control. I also keep random coupons(you know those formula coupons, etc) in the back in my clear folder. Which means I have everything together and I actually remember to use the voucher…. opposed to wasting it!

2. Save time. My biggest asset at this point in my life is time. If I get 3 times per week to workout, I feel like I have struck the lottery. Having a plan in place for groceries, dinner, kids schedule, my work schedule, and a marketing schedule is HUGE! Time is money and it is important to me to have a balance with my kids, my work, my families, friends, etc.

3. Take More Vacations: You might be saying, ” you just said this saves you money.” Yes… it is saving me money and allowing me to redistribute funds to things I want to do. I want to live more intentionally with my husband, my family, and friends…. and this means take time out and away of everyday life and work to reset, refocus, and enjoy. That is what life is about! Previously, I would book last minute or start to plan it out and never put all the pieces together. So far, in July… family beach trip. August… Disney with my boys…. and December ski trip with friends. This is something that I have not taken the time to do in the past. However, this is changing!!! 🙂

4. Healthier. With doing 1, 2, and 3, I feel like I am not only healthier but my family is as well. Health to me is not just about physical health, but mental and financial. I am no longer buying processed junk. You know all those snacks that I use to buy my kids. SOOOO long! Financial health because I have a plan in place for distributing assets. Mentally, having to balance multiple businesses can drive someone insane! Being able to control everything personally and professional aids in my mental health.

5. Projects. I have given myself more projects. You know… because I need them, right? But seriously…. hello productivity. Organize pantry… check… organize cabinets… check…. organize spices…. check… create a learning and connecting environmentStart Kickin’ Booty….. check. In a nut shell, I am getting more stuff done because I am giving myself projects with action steps and to-do lists to complete. Not to sound cheesy but I am looking forward to the rest of 2015 living more intentionally!

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