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Hello October! It’s officially the last quarter of the year. The last 90 days to make things happen in 2018!

Don’t discount that the things you do (or don’t do) the last 90 of this year will affect your 2019! It is time to buckle down or buckle up and make things happen!

What are you wanting to change? What are you needing to accomplish professionally or personally? Are you staying on budget? Have you been paying attention to budget? Have you just been in survival mode? (Sometimes that is exactly what you have to do). Some of you may be coasting and wanting to make changes but quit working towards change. Wherever you are, it is okay, but now is a great time to start, restart or kick it into gear!

I am going to share 5 ways on my blog that you can finish strong in the last 90 days of this year.

List them out with pen and paper and prioritize them. Yes, write them out, and then share them with someone so you are not the only one expecting you to actually make strides on these goals.

Finances are always a goal. Can I get an amen? Finances can be all-consuming, which is why they are such focus in STARTplanner. A  lot of times if things are out of sight, they are out mind. Forcast out the last 3 months of the year with money coming in and projected going out. Take into account holidays, taxes and all the other fun things that happen durring year-end. Having a plan for finances will help you feel more at peace with everything else! I also have free budget download that you can snag HERE. (It is a zip file download and has to be downloaded on a computer)

Why is it that health is the thing we plan for last? I often say that we don’t have Healthcare in the US-we actually have “sick care“. It is not until something goes wrong that we address it. This has become a huge passion of mine. I want people to be educated and see their body, their energy, and their mind as an asset and invest in themselves first. Start gettin the sleep you need, remove emotional toxins, and address both physical and mental health. BALANCE is a hard thing to achieve but I fully believe that until this becomes a top priority, health will be hard to achieve. If you are healthy you are able to dream bigger, put action behind those dreams, feel more confident and overall be a happier person for yourself and all the people in your life who you service!

What are you procrastinating about that is on your list that you need to tackle and organize. I know Jenny and I need to go through all our business workflows, documents and folders and archive documents, get organized and overall simplify. We have been so busy that we keep putting it off, but we just added an organization day to our calendar! Yes, for real! We know that by taking this time, this to-do will stop hanging over our heads and it will make us more efficient which will improve our workflow, speed and reduce time spent looking for files! What are you wanting to declutter and organize? Closets? Pantry’s? Photo albums? Make this a goal and schedule it out! You guys, it feels so amazing when this is done!

Life is about feeling like you belong and soaking in those sweet, sweet moments. Strip it all away and life is about LOVE. We plan. We get organized we do our best to keep all the pieces together for everyone and ourselves so we can be present to savor moments. The last quarter of the year is filled with so many amazing holidays and it is important to make sure you stop and enjoy those moments.


2018 honestly has been one of the hardest years of my life. From surgery to personal struggles, to making a couple sub-par decisions in business, to having to do some deep soul searching. Pain. Mistakes. Realizing when to let go. Recognizing when to continue pushing. You guys, life is just hard. I am not here to sugarcoat any of that. If you are looking to see a girl who keeps it surface level, I am not your girl. If you are looking to follow someone who deals with real life struggles and navigates mistakes often, then I am your girl.

Let’s buckle up and finish the last quarter strong!

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