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Back-To-School Reset – 5 Tips

I really can not believe that summer has come to a close. My kids start school next week and part of me is super sad it came and went so quickly, and the other part is looking forward to the routine again. Any other moms feel me? I know if you are on the west coast you still have a little more time.
Ultimately, I think we all operate more effectively under routines and now that kids are going back to school it is time for a reset on routines! It is time for establish some healthy habits, increase productivity and start making things happen on YOUR list! Even if you don’t have kids, these tips can apply to you!
You might expect this one, but find a way to maintain your schedule. Yes, I am the CEO of STARTplanner, but I am saying if a paper planner doesn’t work for you try digital organization! I am all about using what works for you!  I use a combination of both but I personally could not function without my planner… I need a pen and paper! A lot of times when things are out of sight, they are out of mind which makes it difficult to stay focused on your to-dos or goals.  For our family, I use the Hustle Weekly on the academic schedule (mid-year line). Why? Mainly my world revolves around my kid’s schedules so I can set up our schedule, babysitter schedules, holidays, days off, etc all through the end of the school year. I use Hustle Daily at the office because I am so busy and only want to see one day at a time. It is like my rolling to-do list. I still keep an iCal so I can schedule doctors appointments on the spot etc but everything is then carried over to my STARTplanner. It is like getting a new pair of shoes that give you the motivation to workout. Sometimes you need a tool to inspire you!
Stop and think about what is your goal? Personal? Business? Organization around the house? Start writing them down and allocating deadlines and action steps to each of them. BE SMART with your goals. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based)
Speaking of the organization. I have a folder on my computer desktop called clean up. Anyone else does this? Clutter happens and instead of addressing it you hide it away to address it at another time? Well, allocate time to address those “clean-up” areas.
Accountability. I have said this a million different ways but it is so important to have people hold you accountable. Different areas of your life with different people. It helps us to break bad routines and habits. Helps us to believe in ourselves. It also helps so we don’t slip. It is true we will show up for someone else more than we will show up for ourselves.
Get your booty up early! Sleep is the SOOOO important for productivity, weight loss, brain function… sanity but if you can create a routine with the kids going to bed you can maybe slip to bed a little earlier to get a head start on your day. In addition to getting organized being prepared with lunches, meals, schedules will leave you feeling ahead of the day instead of always playing catch up! For me, an early wake-up time is how I do this. It is not always easy but, I’ve found that for me, it works best!
All of these principles are things I talk about in my book. It is something I have to constantly practice!
New routines that are healthy will change your life. It is the small changes that you make that add up to a big difference. Changes today affect tomorrow. Join me and let’s make it happen, friends!

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