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Detoxing and Featured on Fox5

You have all been waiting for it!! Here is Part 2 of my healing post specifically talking about DETOXING…  this is something that I am so passionate about because as you will see below I am taking a risk and starting another venture.
To be on the launch list to get access first – SUBSCRIBE HERE 
If you missed Part 1, I had my implants removed. Over the course of 3 years being sick, I came to realize that my body’s immune system was struggling to function and for me, the cause was my implants. Through my research, I learned that all of our bodies are struggling on some level. Everyone. The air we breathe, the chemicals we touch daily, the food we eat…I mean I could go on, and on. The bottom line is the number of toxins we are all exposing our organs too keeps our bodies are in constant distress. We all have different breaking points due to our genetic makeup but we all need to support our bodies every day. By supporting our organs, we can help rid waste from our body so that it doesn’t cause illnesses and/or diseases.
At my core, I follow what I am passionate about and this product is something that is NEEDED by many!  My partners and I believe that there is a void in the detoxing market and have formulated and trademarked our very own supplements! I am partnered with a doctor, a pharmacist, and a team of individuals who are way smarter than me!
With all that being said, if you are interested in learning how you can feel better and start operating at your full potential, watch closely, because we are only going to open this preorder up to a limited number of people as we launch this business! If you are interested make sure you are on THIS LIST to get access to preorder FIRST! 
FOX5 picked up the story and aired it this week! If you want to catch it you can see it below and see the full article here on FOX5.

If you read part 1 of my implant removal blog post that went viral, it was vulnerable. Going on TV talking about this and showing pictures of my hair falling out and my skin in havoc was so hard-but if it can help just ONE PERSON all worth it.
Having my implants removed AND detoxing saved my life. I feel like I was dying a slow death before. Everyone might not have such extreme symptoms. You might not have the energy you use too, your gut gives you issues, your skin, your hair is not as full. A detox can have subtle effects or in my case, life-changing.
Here is me 2 years ago in the hospital getting endoscopy trying to find answers why I couldn’t eat! And then there is me a month ago. The healthiest and the leanest I have ever been enjoying the beach!
NO makeup on either and look how much my skin has improved! There were even points when my skin was even way worse than the picture on the left. (Be nice with your comments here!)
So, why start another business???  I think I just answered it. I am also about productivity and I believe that you can NOT be productive without being healthy and taking care of yourself first! I have my life back now, but in the process, I realized that there is just so much BAD information out there; a lack of quality, simplicity, and transparency in products and regimens.  Without the perfect partnership, this business would have never come to fruition. Do you ever feel like opportunities and people are put in your life for different reasons? For me, this is the case because people have crossed my path who have different skill sets than I do and this has all fallen into place and come together. Dr. Randy Rudderman and Dr. Dustin DePancis and his team (with our supplement manufacturing company) have helped develop a simple detox system.
STARTdetoxing is a monthly subscription box service with two different levels depending on your health journey needs, that makes it simple to support your body in detoxing.
Each box includes Probiotics, Dead Sea Salt (from the actual Dead Sea!), and our STARTdetoxing Complete.
First, let me say this….  we have worked hard to source the most effective ingredients all the while being mindful of cost and simplicity for everyone, so it will be something you can continue long term. Everybody should be on this system- THAT is how passionate I am about it!!! I was taking so many pills while I was detoxing and it was not easy to keep track of what to take and when. We have formulated one pill, STARTdetoxing Complete, that has 5 different ingredients instead of taking 5 different pills every day!  Simplicity is what our lives need to make it effective.
Here is the STARTdetoxing Systems.
STARTdetoxing Rescue.
Here is the STARTdetoxing Maintain.
Rescue is designed to be taken twice a year, or anytime after you have surgery or have to take a round of antibiotics to support your body in rebuilding your immune system, gut health, and restore overall function.
In addition to supplements to support your system, you HAVE to eat a clean diet. Minimally processed, low sugar and hydration is also imperative. It also helps to sweat out those toxins!
To be on our list to get access first again make sure you subscribe here and get ready to get STARTed!!! (pun intended) My goal is for preorders to launch in the next two weeks(maybe sooner) in time for people to implement this by summer!!!

  1. Rachel Correia says:

    Hi Kristy,

    I explanted 12 days ago and am researching different detox methods and protocols as I would like to begin detoxing in the next month or so. It’s a bit overwhelming because there are so many different methods out there. Does your detox program detox our bodies at the cellular level? And how do you think it’s different/better than other detox programs? Are you able to share what the cost will be?

    Thank you!!

  2. Thanks! And thanks for sharing your great posts every week!

  3. […] smarter than me who made it all happen. If you want to see my results with detoxing you can see it HERE.  These supplements are in no way designed to be diet pills or to lose weight. We believe in a […]

  4. Andrea King says:

    Hi! Thanks you so much for sharing your journey about to struggles and explant. I believe I am in your old path I unfortunately. Testing shows my immune system is crap and I’ve been getting crazy bad bacterial infections in gut and sepsis. It all doesn’t make sense. Bc I am an extremely healthy person. Anyway, I am curious what your tests looked like in Comparison to before and after explant. Could you please share??

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