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New Name. Still me.

I wrote a blog signing off on this blog when I sold my home. My idea and thought… was I was going to step away from my old identity and into a new one from a brand perspective. I was going to start a new blog. Know my name has not changed and no one is asking me to do this. It is just time for me to evolve and I have some exciting things up my sleeves! I was just going to leave my old KristyDickerson Blog and allow it to be, not removing it or erasing it, just letting it be…. but….

I have blogged on here since 2009 and even started my blog prior to that on a Blogspot when Roman was born. I was a young Mom(I was 20 when I had him) and I was just trying to find my way. I grew up figuring me out while also figuring everything else out. I always had a deep desire to have a purpose in and outside the home. Feel loved, respected, and supported as a woman and a professional. Not for monetary success, but at my core that was something that made me happy. I just really want this world to be filled with less judgment and for people to allow people to figure out life and do what makes them happy. For all of us that is different.

The more I stepped away and looked within and really saw the vision, I decided just as in life you don’t abandon, you evolve. So I am not done here….

…I am Kristy… not just a brand or a name. I am a woman. I am a child of God. And honestly, some of the deepest struggles and darkest moments have given me a purpose and a calling. I have been given skillsets, a heart, and a voice that I can not silence and I plan to use making the world a little better. And that starts with daily improving myself. I spent last week looking through this blog and thinking back through the dreams and the evolution of my journey. The early mornings dreaming. The conferences I traveled to learning photography. The first time I spoke in front of a large crowd and I remember me feeling like I couldn’t breathe. There is just so much here and I am proud of my journey and thankful for it all. Please note as well I still relate to that girl typing these early blog posts, because I am still just figuring out aspects and I am continuously open to growth. That is life.

Our past is there to teach us and we continue taking steps towards alignment and being our best self. So all the old stays. It is all part of my journey and evolution as a woman, mom, business owner, and all the in-betweens shaping me. I am far from perfect. I struggle. I hope you realize that. I didn’t just have the business success without struggle, but I worked hard for years and I am still learning and evolving. I also hope you realize there are gaps both here and there and there will be some areas where I will always remain private.

With all that being said….Do you want to know what is COMING?!?!?!

Here is the first step of my evolution. is now, along with on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube, etc I plan to keep blogging here. We also launched the START with Kristy podcast every Thursday!


  • I plan to blog again HERE––If you guys like I will keep dedicating time too this!
  • You will find an updated website! Also, a new area called – Where I shop.
  • Will be sharing links and free resources and printables to help you get organized and make a forward motion on dreams on posts.
  • Really leaning into sharing my passions and core strengths: being organized, finance, productivity, and y’all know my love for design so I am going to marry all of that! Sharing ALL my resources for being efficient in areas to help you! Linking it all to make it easy!!!
  • Opening up my life, heart, and home again sharing with all of you as my Lake House becomes Home. The blog will give me the ability to share colors, links, and products and budgeting tools. You will be able to search the blog. You will also be able to search by category! Business, Cooking, Health, Organization, Personal, Projects, and Start Lake Home.
  • As always, I am a “figure it out” as I go along type of person. Nothing is ever perfect so as we are doing this know I am 100% open to feedback and to know what you guys want to make it easier for you.

Many times, when life does not work out, we tend to want to delete. We tend to want to hide from that. It is easier to “abandon” that instead of sitting in the pieces or parts of all of it and using it at a place to grow.

So instead of abandoning… I am evolving. Same blog. Same me. A new name with some changes in alignment and evolution that I feel like is a necessity for the next steps of my journey and life! If there is someone I have come to know more… it is myself. My competitive advantages are being a visionary, finance, productivity, and executing on things my heart knows is right. Call it intuition. Call it God. Call it the universe. Call it what you want, but I believe we all are exactly where we are meant to be. Even sitting in the hard places and growing.

We can either sit in misalignment or work and improve the areas we know we need to.

I am grateful for my journey up until this point. I am open to the growth that is needed for me to be my best for everyone in my life and for my purpose, mission, calling. And I am pretty excited to continue to take you all along as my journey unfolds and as my home, life, heart continues to fall where it is meant too in all areas.

Thank you for being a part of my journey! Especially if you have been here for the last decade.

Maybe it is just the simple act of you seeing me take the scary steps, evolve, and continue taking them… it will inspire you to take them as well. As always, my goal and heart are to be a vessel and use pieces of me to inspire or help you in an authentic and inviting way.

Cheering for you. Let’s keep going together!

P.S. Welcome back to my typos… 🙂 I have installed Grammarly so maybe it will improve. Just maybe! If you are new here my brain does not see typos.

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