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Quitting…Sometimes I Want To Quit Too.

Quitting. The act of stopping. The problem is not enough people talk about this space. Here is the thing…sometimes you have to recognize that it’s not “quitting,” but rather letting go and realizing you are instead moving forward with clarity in a new direction.
Sometimes you do quit. On your dreams, on you, on your truth, on something that will/would be better for you.
As am I am writing this I want to quit something I started, even though I know it is the best for me and all parties involved to stay the course. It is easier to quit. To slip back into comfort, security, routine and habits even if they are not serving you or your life well anymore.
On the blog and in my newsletter today, I am giving you 5 ways that will help you to not quit when you have started something that will make your life better. A diet change, a career change, relationship change…any sort of change is hard, but if it is for your own good, don’t let yourself stop.
It might not just be for you, but others around you. If we do something positive for us, I can almost guarantee it will positivity affect those closest to you as well.
Not kidding. Whatever you are wanting to quit or change. Write out and list ways it would be good for you and ways it would be bad. Then assign each item a weight, for instance, a 1-3 star rating. If it is something really important to you give it a 3. This was something a counselor suggested to me and it was helpful to see hard facts listed out.
We are not designed to do life alone. NO ONE is self-made. We become who we are through our circumstances, our experiences, and the people who we have in our lives. If you are making a change, tell someone or multiple people so that when you want to quit, they won’t let you. When you fall, they will help pick you up.
On your vision board. On your bathroom mirror. In your car. On your computer. It could be your “why” or a quote, image, or words to remind you to stay on track.
Business struggling or want to make it better? Get a mentor. Attend a workshop. Interject yourself around people who can make you better. Emotionally or mentally struggling? Get a counselor. I have been to a counselor every week for the last 6 months and I am not one bit ashamed. Unbiased third-party experts help you to unravel your truth and remind you of why you need a change or can’t quit. Finances not what you want them to be? Get a financial advisor. Set budgets and stick to it. I could list out so much here. Help is not a bad word, this is something that I had to learn.
If you have started something that will better your life. Don’t quit. It might bring you to your knees. You might slip and/or fall, but dust yourself off and keep going! Forgive yourself, forgive others and continue moving forward. I don’t say this lightly either. If you need help. Ask. We are humans and I just want more people to realize and know this truth.

  1. Gosh, this is just what I needed to hear today. Going back to school at 36 hasn’t been easy but every little victory has me pushing myself further. I’m scared as hell most days and I constantly ask myself if I can really do this. Some days I want to quit everything and just walk away but I know my “whys” and I keep them in front of me at all times. It won’t always be easy but it will always be worth it! Thanks for your encouragement!!

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