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FREE Health + Workout Download

If there is one thing this year has taught me it would be that physical strength breeds mental strength! If you guys have been following my journey, you know I have finally taken control over my health! More than anything, mentally it feels amazing! I discovered the root cause of my issues, went from 28 food allergies to 4, helped support my body with STARTdetoxing,(which launches July 18, 2018, and I  began hitting it harder at the gym and went from always feeling depleted of energy and tired to always feeling READY! YOU are more productive if you are healthy! You are happier if you are healthier. You are the best version of you for your family if you are your best you! So many people have been like Kristy another thing…. HERE IS THE THING…. IF we are not taking care of us…. nothing else works. Everything I do and all the companies I own helps to support that!
Before I go any further I want to link resources and tools that I use to achieve this.
  • STARTplanner – I meal plan using the Fuel Notepad, plan out my week with a Planner, and accountability with the Gym Pal. If you want to try a free download of daily and weekly STARTplanner you can do that HERE!

  • STARTdetoxing, as mentioned, is launching in July! I couldn’t find a simple system to take the natural products and supplements so I went on a mission. Partnered with some of the SMARTest individuals to take the guesswork out of what you should take and when to support your overall health and immunity! Click HERE to be notified if you want to get to detoxing!

Earlier this year on my insta-stories I started sharing the food and exercise aspect of my life and the number one request and DMed is my diet and what do I do and the gym.  So that is exactly what I have done is shared with you the basics of my diet and starting points for you at the gym! To take a look back here was my booty growth over a 3 month period.
And to look even further here I was 3 years ago vs now.
For this download, we could have charged for this…. I mean it is a professionally filmed video showing you workouts and a very in-depth download that covers what things I have eliminated from my diet (or added in my diet) and a 5-day workout! I wanted to this to be a FREE resource, so you can grab your girls and get to moving. IF WE TAKE CARE OF US…. we are happier and healthier and isn’t that what life is all about? I want you to experience starting something, and winning!
I teamed up with Macy McNeely (who has been training me and is a wellness coach) to bring you these workouts. Homegirl knows her stuff and this workout can be done at the gym, at home, or while you are on vacation! There are modifications for all of them and I want to encourage just to START(pun intended)
Pick the environment you are most motivated in or feel comfortable in. Just start!
At the top of the download, you will see an equipment list. Here are easy ones to order.
• Dumbbells
• Sliders (you can also use paper plates!)
• Bands
I want to remind everyone that your diet will vary slightly, all of our bodies are different. I am allergic to dairy and eggs. So I don’t have that in my diet. Consider a food sensitivity test. Inflammation is what we want to avoid in our bodies. Inflammation is the root cause of diseases, cancers, and more.
For maintaining gut health and supporting my body through detox I use the Maintain box with  (And then do the Rescue System twice a year.)
A reminder before starting any new workout routines or diets, always consult with your physician. Below you will find a video that accompanies the download showing the moves along with some you have modifications that can be relevant. Start wherever you can and build up!
Here is the video on YouTube and I also have a version uploaded to IGTV if you want to watch it on Instagram! 


I want to encourage you all to invest in YOU! If you are having some health issues get some testing, locate the root cause, clean up your diet, and get to moving. Life is too short to go through it just feeling fine… I want you feeling AMAZING!

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