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Reassessing + Resetting

We are halfway through 2018. Halfway! We have 6 months left and it just feels like the perfect time to revisit goals, create new ones, and refocus.  If you are in a valley, haven’t been planning for success, or have just been feeling off-kilter…. shake it off, let it go, and refocus! I am struggling in some aspects of my life and I am having to do the same.
We ALL go through peaks and valleys. We all get off-kilter and lose focus. I believe that taking care of YOURSELF first and having people in your life hold you accountable helps to minimize the valleys! Last Wednesday I was in a valley. I straight up left work and decided to take the rest of the day off and checked out of all social media to reset. We are not indestructible. Some days you will kill it and other days you will not feel as productive.
Sometimes having check-in points on your goals also helps to pause and assess where you are, where you need to be, and it allows you to reset or shift goals if needed. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that your original plan rarely ever comes to fruition exactly the way you imagined.
Below are 5 actions steps to reset and look at goals and making sure at the end of the year you have progress on them and you are closest to being the version of yourself you want to be!
As discussed above, checking in. Are you making progress? Are you heading in the right direction? Like this mid-year checkpoint here. Schedule in these checkpoints. Depending on the goal it could be weekly or monthly. But checking in with your goals and accessing progress and action steps help you to clearly see progress or lack thereof.
I know, I know I preach this all the time. But it is THAT important. You are so much more likely to quit on yourself but you won’t always quit on others. Picking the right people is crucial as well! I have different people that hold me accountable for different goals. Having people that are a positive influence in your life is HUGE! I am thankful I get to be that for a lot of you! It is why I do what I do! If you are Instagram, follow my stories on the daily and I promise to keep pushing you!

It is just a must. I have a blog post, a video and free download coming at you this Friday on what I currently do with my diet and a 5-day workout for you all!  If you are not healthy you are not as productive. You are not your best self. You don’t have the energy you should. You won’t be able to go after those goals with the same energy. And one of your goals might actually be just this!
A lot of you guys know I am the CEO of STARTplanner. Obviously, it is the planner I use to stay on track and stay focused on business and life but if a paper planner is not for you that is okay but find a method that works. For me, I need pen and paper and something in front of me! To see progress and to plan it all out! A lot of times our goals require schedule management, delegation, and multiple action steps. So, if you don’t have a STARTplanner or you are not organized here is my shameless plug. Let’s get organized and MAKE IT HAPPEN!


I know this is a weird action step but you might slip. You might be reading this because you have slipped. I have slipped on goals, I have failed at businesses, I have let others down. I have let myself down. I have needed some serious resetting here lately. I am learning to give myself grace  If I bask in those mistakes then where would I be? Nowhere. So, if you are reading this and thinking yes I have failed. Stop. Learn from it and let’s move forward!

Goals are there to continuously be striving to better yourself and your life. It is important, this is something we don’t do once a year but we are constantly looking at and planning our schedules accordingly. We are halfway through 2018….. lets reach, reset, and GO!!!

  1. Mariette Frey says:

    Great reminder to reset! I am looking forward to Friday’s workout for a July 1st reset for the last half of the year!

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